Monday, March 17, 2008

Mistakes happen... now what?

Ever make a HUGE mistake? haven't we all .... here's some advise on how to overcome it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Been too long

Sorry for the long delay in posting... I've been adjusting. Pretty well too if I might add. :)

Tomorrow I'm judging at the Georgia Student Media Festival. I'll let you know how it went.

We are working on getting Teams set up in my new library: Here are some resources I found and can recommend:
Meeting Excellence (book)
More Quick Team-building Activities for Busy Managers (book)
Fundamental Team and Meeting Skills (online training)

Some interesting things for you: is the BEST!!!
32 Hacks for sticking to your budget (
30+ Useful websites you probably didn't know about (Dumb Little Man)
25 ways to improve your site in 5 minutes (fadtastic)
17 tips for getting bloggers to write about you (Information Week)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Long distance brainstorming

I'm changing jobs, and like most people I want to work well with my new co-workers. I wanted to find out what they thought about the library and the issues I would be dealing with without any of them feeling like people would be able to "point fingers" and know who wrote it.

I set up some worksheets in and it's been working really well. This isn't going to be the end of the work, but it gives me a place to start. And if we want to brainstorm more it gives us a way to put down all everything and then open group discussion to find solutions without someone feeling awkward about bringing up something not so great about the library.

Student Resources - and most are FREE!!!

I love
and here's another great blog entry to tell you why.

Google Calander and it's happy perks

This article gives some extras to Google calendar. I found it very informative even though I knew most of it... and the add ons will come in handy.